Ease your compliance journey.

cGMP and GLP Consulting Services


Our Base Services are designed to meet the majority of client needs. This service is billed either on a weekly basis or upon project completion, whichever comes first.

It includes support for questions, document requests, investigations, troubleshooting, and any other client requirements. Clients can contact us through their preferred communication method.


On-site evaluations provide an excellent starting point, allowing our experienced team to assess your operations and expedite your certification journey. Too often, even after every "T" is crossed and every "I" is dotted, we discover that small details were overlooked.

This service offers you an on-site second opinion to ensure nothing is missed.

The evaluation is limited to 4 hours, with any additional time billed accordingly.


We offer audits tailored to the inspection standard of your choice. We’ll coordinate directly with your accrediting, licensing, or inspection body to conduct your annual internal audit.

Pricing varies based on the complexity of the audit, but the structure is straightforward:

**(Hours Worked x $80 per hour) + $500 On-site Fee**

Compliance over compromise

Since 2013, I have guided companies through a wide range of certification bodies, each with its own unique complexities and challenges. At the core, however, they all share the same fundamental issue: small business owners must meet regulatory standards while also managing the day-to-day operations of their business.

This balancing act often proves to be overwhelming, and the simplest solution is frequently overlooked: let someone else handle it.

THOTH specializes in managing your regulatory requirements, so you can focus on running your business.